As a gamer, irrespective of whether aspiring, professional, or hobbyist, you must have signed up on Steam, the very popular cloud platform for purchasing games. Your Steam account, however, does much more than give you access to all the games you buy. This profile becomes your identity for all the games you play, allowing you to create a repository of all your achievements and build a community of fellow gamers as well.

The platform was launched as far back as 2003 and gained amazing popularity over the years. Today, it has transformed into a major hub for gamers across the world, attracting hundreds of users every day. Given its popularity since the very inception, the platform enjoys a good number of loyal users. If you are one of these loyal Steam users operating on the portal since long back, it is probable that you have the gift of an embarrassing name from your past self. Well, you are not alone. Many users question their choice of username and eventually look for ways to change the Steam account name. So, if you are one of them, then you are at the right place. In this article, we will walk you through all the possible ways to change your Steam account name.

How to Change Steam Account Name (2021)

Account Name vs. Profile Name

Now, before we dive deeper into all methods you can follow to change your name on Steam, you must know one important detail. Your account name on Steam is a numeric identification code and cannot be changed. However, what you can change is your Steam profile name.


  • How to Change Steam Account Name (2021)
  • Account Name vs. Profile Name
  • How to Change Steam Profile Name
  • Is it possible to transfer games from one account to another?
  • Deleting a Steam Account
  • Creating a Steam Account
  • How to view data stored on Steam
  • Securing your Steam account

To understand the difference between the two, you simply need to remember that the account name is meant for general identification on the platform. In contrast, the profile name is what you are identified as by other users. However, with the colloquialism associated with the term account name, the term profile name is often used interchangeably for the same.

How to Change Steam Profile Name

Now that you have understood the difference let’s get to the steps you can follow to change your profile name on Steam.

  1. For starters, you need to log into your Steam account.

  2. On the upper-right corner, click on your Username. then from the dropdown menu that appears, click on the View my Profile button.

  3. Choose the Edit Profile option here.

  4. Now, simply type your new name by deleting the existing one.

  5. Scroll down and click on Save to save these changes to see a brand new account name on your Steam profile.

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Is it possible to transfer games from one account to another?

When in doubt regarding the profile name, some users try to create a new Steam account and attempt the possibility of transferring their games from the old to the new account. That, however, is not a real possibility. You cannot transfer games from one Steam account to another since all games come with single-user licenses. By setting up a new account and sending the games there, you would essentially try to merge the old account with a new one. But, Steam’s license policy does not allow this arrangement.

Deleting a Steam Account

Deleting a Steam account is almost similar to uninstalling Steam, but not quite the same. What’s common in both procedures is that you will end up freeing around one terabyte of space. However, deleting a Steam account means you are outrightly giving up all your game licenses, CD keys, and all that you own on the platform.

While deleting the account will give you the chance to set up a new profile from scratch with a new account name, you will not own anything here. You will consequently lose access to all the games you bought over Steam. However, you can still access and play games bought outside of Steam. But beyond the array of games, you will be losing out on the posts, mods, discussions, contributions you made to the community through that account.

Due to all the massive losses involved in deleting a Steam account, there is no automatic way to do it. You need to raise a ticket for account deletion and complete a few verification processes. Only then will you be able to delete the account.

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Creating a Steam Account

Creating a new account on Steam is simply a cakewalk. It is like most other sign-up processes requiring your email and account name. Choose the name wisely from the starting itself so that you do not need to change the Steam account name later. Once you verify the email you signed up with, you would be all good to go.

How to view data stored on Steam

Viewing your records on Steam is easy. You can simply open this link to view all the data stored on the platform. This data primarily shapes your experience on Steam and hence, holds substantial significance. While changing your account name is not a possibility, you still have the option to modify several details. These details can be your profile name, the code for two-factor authentication, and similar.

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Securing your Steam account

When you have so many games and personal data stored online, it is crucial to take all necessary steps to safeguard your presence. Doing this on Steam involves a few details discussed in this section. It is always a good and practical decision to add an extra layer of protection to your Steam account and foolproof it against any threat and data loss.

Here are some of the most crucial steps you can take in the direction of safeguarding your Steam account.

  1. Steam Guard Two-Factor Authentication

The first and most important step in the process of protecting your Steam account is the two-factor authentication setting. By activating this feature, you ensure that you will be notified via mail as well as SMS text in case someone tries to log into your account from an unauthorized system. You will also receive these prompts if and when someone tries to change the personal settings on your account.

  1. Passphrase for a Strong Password

A strong password is a must for all important accounts. However, for the worth of your Steam account, it is essential that you choose a very strong password. A good trick to ensure your password is strong enough to not crack is to use a passphrase. Instead of going ahead with a single word, it’s good to use a passphrase and allow only Steam to remember it on your system.

  1. Ignore Emails Asking for Credit

It’s a given that Steam would not ask for monetary details outside of its platform. However, many notifications also arrive on your email, making you susceptible to falling to a phishing attack. Therefore, always keep in mind that any credit transactions will be done only on the official Steam platform, and you do not require any email for the same.

  1. Changing Privacy Settings

Lastly, the best way to keep yourself protected on Steam is by tweaking the privacy setting. This is an option for those looking to enjoy their gaming experience limited to some selective friends. You can change the privacy setting from Friends Only to Private on the My Privacy Settings page.


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We hope this article was helpful and you were able to change your Steam account name. Your Steam account name should be a reflection of your personality as a gamer. It is natural that your tastes and preferences would change as you grow and there will indispensably arise a time when you need to change your Steam account name. You may weigh your options of deleting the existing account and creating a new one. However, that might work against you since you will end up losing all game licenses, community contributions, and more. So, it’s best to tweak just the profile name and keep your account safe and sound.