Make Tech Easier has covered several solutions to backup your information remotely. Dropbox is probably one of the most popular. iDrive is a solution which may appeal to a wider audience.

Like many of the backup options out there, you have the choice of a free or a pay option. The pay option of iDrive would be for someone who needs more than the 2Gb of space allowed in the free account. If you are simply backing up documents, 2Gb is a lot of documents.

When you go to to get an account, you will see the different account types. For this post, I will talk about the Windows backup and the WordPress plugin.

iDrive basics

You will need to have 2 separate accounts if you want to use both the Mac or Windows backup and the WordPress backup options. If you have a Mac, the options are pretty much the same as the Windows version; they are just a little more aesthetically pleasing.

iDrive for Windows

The Windows backup application reminds me a lot of Mozy. It can be integrated into your Windows machine in a way that doesn’t make you change your established filing habits.

To download the application, you need to create an account. Nothing out of the ordinary here; name, password, email choose your OS and enter in the numbers. You will be whisked away to the download screen.

If you are concerned about security, you can enter in your own encryption key. If you’d like to, you can use the default.

From there, you can select the folders you want scheduled to be backed up automatically.

If you choose to, you can choose the continuous backup option turned on. As you may expect, keeping this option on will use more of your computer’s resources.

iDrive WordPress plugin

The WordPress plugin is a pretty good thing to have for your self hosted site. It backs up your files up to your free 2Gb account. The cool part of the plugin is it backs up daily and it is an incremental backup. If you change or add a file on your WordPress site, they are what is backed up, not the whole thing every time.

Go to the iDrive WordPress plugin page to download the plugin.

Upload the file in the same way you would another plugin. If you choose to, you can also search and install the iDrive plugin from the plugin tab in your site admin page.

As I mentioned above, you will need to set up a different free account for the iDrive WordPress plugin. When you activate the plugin, you can start an account from the login screen.

The backup screen is very streamlined and does not need many adjustments. Click Backup Now to start the initial backup.

Restoring is just as easy. Click Restore Now and all of your files are replaced if needed.


iDrive seems to have a leg up on the other guys with the WordPress plugin. Many people neglect backing up information. Having an automatic backup is easier for most people. Better yet, if you have a WordPress site this is a great way to automatically keep all of your hard work saved in case of disaster.

What backup solution do you use for your website?

Trevor is a freelance writer covering topics ranging from the Android OS to free web and desktop applications. When he is not writing about mobile productivity, He is coaching and playing the world’s greatest game… Soccer.

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