Have you ever used a battery saving app on your Android phone that shut down the Internet connection the moment you turn off the screen, even though you are downloading a file or streaming music in the background? While these battery saving apps can help you to improve battery life, they prevented you from running things in the background. If you are looking for a way to save battery life without affecting the process in the background, CleverConnectivity is the app for you.

CleverConnectivity is an Android application that can auto-toggle the Internet connection when your screen is OFF. What makes it different from other battery saving apps is that it can cleverly detect if there is any task (that requires Internet access) running in the background and keep your Internet connection until the task is completed. It can also wake up at certain interval to check for emails, receive incoming messages or notification.


  1. Install CleverConnectivity from the Play Store.

  2. Open the app, you should see a list of options that you can select. The first part of the screen is just to give it permission to manage your 3G and WiFi connection when the screen is OFF.

Scrolling down the list, you can configure whether it should auto-sync at regular interval or turn the WiFi off completely when there is no known network nearby. You can also configure the sleep hours to turn off the Internet connection completely.

The last of the list is also the most important part. CleverConnectivity is based on three parameters: Time ON, Time ON, and Usage Check Interval. Time ON is the amount of time the Internet connection will stay alive after the screen is OFF. Time OFF is the interval where the Internet connection is OFF and the Usage Check Intervals is the amount of seconds to check for data usage in the background.

This is how it works: Once the screen is OFF, CleverConnectivity will keep connectivity alive for the time defined in “Time On” setting. Then it will check if data is used for a period as defined in the Usage Check Interval. If data usage is detected, connectivity will be kept for another “Time ON” interval. If data is NOT used, connectivity will be shut down for the interval defined in “Time OFF” setting. After this, the cycle will repeat itself again until the screen is turned back on.

Note: Personally, I would recommend the settings of 15 -20 mins for “TIME OFF”, 1 minute for “TIME ON” and 5 seconds for “Usage Check Interval”.

  1. Lastly, tap the “Save Preferences” button and it will start running in the background.

Noting that CleverConnectivity only runs when your screen is OFF and it only use a minimal amount of storage space, CPU and resources to run in the background, it is definitely one of the many app I would recommend for improving battery life. One thing though, if your battery drain is due to long hours of gameplay, or surfing the web without turning the screen off, this app is not going to be useful to you.


Damien Oh started writing tech articles since 2007 and has over 10 years of experience in the tech industry. He is proficient in Windows, Linux, Mac, Android and iOS, and worked as a part time WordPress Developer. He is currently the owner and Editor-in-Chief of Make Tech Easier.

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