PUBG is an online multiplayer Battle Royale game where players must land on an island and find gear to take down the enemy team. In PUBG there are many weapons that you can use like Pistols, SMGs, Rifles, Shotguns, Snipers, and more. For long-range engagements, you would ADS (Aim Down Sights) to make it easier to see. This is an important mechanic in all shooter games as Snipers & ARs get a significant advantage. But in the PS4 or on Console in general, it is not easy to ADS or it is not possible at some points. In today’s guide, I will show you how to ADS in PUBG on the PS4.

How to ADS in PUBG on the PS4

this was all about how to ADS in PUBG PS4. Hopefully, this guide has helped you. you can also check out our guides on PUBG Could Not Verify Login Error Fix.