The popularity of PUBG is showing no signs of waning anytime soon. In fact, it is growing consistently every single day. With new events and new titles to earn, players can keep playing and enjoy the game for much longer. One such new event that will run until 7th July 2020 is the Sanhok Relic Hunt. Through this Jungle-themed event, you can get the Jungle Warrior title in Pubg mobile as well. If you love to earn titles and get bragging rights then this guide is for you. Want to know how to do it? Find out the answer right here.

How to Easily Earn the Jungle Warrior Title in PUBG Mobile

What you have to do is complete the daily missions in the game and achieve 1 bone chain, 1 mysterious feather and 1 sundial. Here are the requirements to get these items.

  • To get one bone chain, complete one Classic Match
  • For a sundial, you have to complete 3 Classic matches
  • Lastly, for a mysterious feather, you have to spend sixty minutes in the game.

These will happen naturally as you stay engaged with the game, so it is very simple to get them all. The best part is that winning the Classic matches is not necessary. Just participating in them will do the trick. So, no pressure whatsoever. With these easy missions, you can easily grab the Jungle Warrior Title.

So, this is how you can get this limited-time title. Go ahead and fulfill all the conditions and be the best warrior of the Jungle. Apart from this one, there are many other titles to get like Chicken Master, Overachiever etc. If you love to collect all the titles in PUBG, then go for them as well.

For more such helpful tips and tricks, check out our PUBG mobile guides right away.