Halo games are generation-defining first-person shooters way before Call of Duty or Battlefield became the norm. Halo games shaped how we play and expect from FPS games to date. Many Xbox players like me have a close connection with these games and it’s usually a conversation starter when we meet another Xbox fan. But now with Halo Infinite multiplayer pursuing a free-to-play model, many new players are being introduced into the series and are able to experience the action and fluidity in the motions that these games offered and made better each generation of consoles. And many of these new players experiencing Master Chief for the first time through the paid single-player campaign are planning to play the old games. But with so many games including the original trilogy still available for grabs, many are confused about where to start. So, here’s my ranking of the best Halo games in this tier list.

Halo Tier List – All Halo Games Ranked (2023)

Note that this ranking will be purely based on single-player campaigns of the game considering many factors. So with that in mind, here are all the best Halo Games Ranked in our Tier List:

The original trilogy is by far the best collection of games in the series and even though the anniversary versions give upgraded graphics with the push of a button, we ranked the OG games higher due to how close everyone here holds them to their heart. And top our list is the Halo MCC, which if a perfect pick who someone new to experience all the originals in order and in their glory. And rest of the games follows closely with the public opinions of the Redditors and our staff here. Halo Wars are also included in this list. And in the lowest end, we kept Halo Recruit and Halo Fireteam Raven. That’s because Halo Recruit requires a Windows MR headset to play and it doesn’t add much to the Halo experience. And Halo Fireteam Raven, being an arcade game, does not focus much on the story in the grand scheme of things.

So, that’s my ranking of all Halo games that have released till now. If you would like to check out more of our Tier Lists, be sure to explore the rankings section on Gamer Tweak.