Google has released a new extension for Google Chrome and a Google Toolbar feature called Google Related that while you are browsing the mighty Internet, finds content such as, videos, news, maps, reviews and other relevant content related to the web page you are on, this way you won’t have to be researching it yourself.

Google Related is a small bar that it will appear at the bottom of your screen, and results will remain minimized until you hover over them with your mouse. Once you select a category, a pop-up will immediately open up for you to review the content without leaving the page or opening another tap.

Take a look at this next example. Let’s say you are looking for a new restaurant to have dinner, you are in the restaurant’s homepage and then what Google Related will do is, while working in the background, provide relevant information like reviews, a map to get to the that restaurant you are interested in, videos, and other useful related information. You can even let other people know what you are interested in using the +1 button.

As useful as this new tool from Google can be, it can also be a little bit intrusive depending on the content that you’re viewing, for example, the bar pops up when you are reading something interesting, but you don’t need the extra help. At least you have the choice to hide the bar for specific web pages by going to the options menu — this is available for both the Google Chrome extension and the Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer and for Firefox — which is kind of nice. While you can get answers to questions you may have about something you’re researching, this is a way to get some of those answers quicker.

There is also a YouTube video that you can check out to learn more.

Be the first and tell us what do you think about Google Related. Do you think it is a good idea or it is just another way to target advertisement? And would you consider using it? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.

Useful Links

  • Install Google Related for Chrome
  • Install Google Related for Internet Explorer and for Firefox

Source The Official Google Blog