Destroying things is super fun in FH5 and this game even rewards you for doing it. And what’s even more fun? Yep, getting to destroy stuff as a part of a challenge! In one of the Forza Horizon 5 challenges, you may end up wondering how to smash 20 solar panels in 30 seconds? Where to find the map location of these solar panels in Mexico? Here’s everything you need to know.

Forza Horizon 5 Solar Panel Location – Where to Find them all?

To find solar panel locations in Forza Horizon 5, you need to find the silver rectangles marked on the map. Head to this location to the left of Cordillera and to the right of Mulegé. This is where you will find a lot of Solar panels placed next to each other which will make the task of completing this challenge pretty much a cakewalk.

How to Smash Solar Panels 20 Solar Panels in 30 Seconds (FH5 Shocking Challenge)

Thankfully, there’s nothing crazy you have to do to smash solar panels like drive your car off a hill or anything. Once you’re at the location, the task is simple. All you have to do is drive through these solar panels with a car that has a good speed. Ensure that the speed is maintained because if you are too slow, the bars of the solar panel will not break. So, focus on driving like a maniac and you will be able to smash 20 solar panels in 30 seconds easily.

Also Read | Fastest Cars in Forza Horizon 5

This is everything you need to know about Forza Horizon 5 solar panel location and how to smash ’em all. We’ve got more FH5 guides for where we’ve covered how to get specific cars, how to complete certain challenges and more tips and tricks. Stay with Gamer Tweak for more.